Willow sunflower Workshop

With Angie Wickenden

Come and make one of these gorgeous willow sunflowers. The centre of the sunflower is the traditional slathe, stake and strand basket base so you’ll be developing your basketry skills .

There will be 5 places on this workshop.
This workshop is initially hard work as the basic skill of pairing weave is a complicated series of moves. But given constant repetition can be mastered in the time given for the workshop.
Willow weaving can be tough on your hands but because willow is a semi- resistant material, the act of weaving willow is like a passive exercise. So good for overall health and well-being.

It is advisable to either bring a work apron or to wear old clothes as soaked willow can sometimes be a little messy.

Please wear sensible footwear (no open-toed sandals).

£45.00 per person, including tuition, tools and materials, tea, coffee and cake. Please bring your own lunch.

Book Below: